Materials.Business Newsletter ⚙️ May 28th, 2024

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Attending the EDI-AR Conference organized by Memorial University was a transformative experience, bringing together a diverse group of students, staff, researchers, faculty, community leaders, and industry professionals from around the world. The theme of the conference, "Breaking Barriers and Empowering Women in STEM," resonated deeply with me, and I am excited to share my reflections and key takeaways.
The conference emphasized the importance of crafting a vision collaboratively, rather than imposing one. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among all stakeholders. As advocates for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism (EDI-AR), we must constantly ask ourselves: does the work continue when we leave the room? This question challenges us to create sustainable changes that endure beyond our immediate presence.
One profound insight from the conference was the necessity to accept that we might lose those who are not at the center of our circles of influence. The real question is, how do we use our power and influence to be allies to the outsiders? True leadership involves asking the most excluded individuals about their unmet needs and being transparent to maintain accountability. This transparency is crucial, as it fosters trust and keeps the focus on genuine progress.
Reflecting on my own practices, I realized the unconscious importance I place on transparency and continuous improvement. As educators, we have both the right and the obligation to learn as much as we teach. Inclusion must be a continuous, collective determination by all, ensuring that everyone has the right to be present and heard. Finding supporters and creating informal networks are vital steps toward building a more inclusive environment.
The conference also highlighted the importance of effective communication. Stepping into our awareness and being ourselves is essential. We must recognize that there are no invisible disabilities, only disabilities we have not yet learned about. Being aware of our own biases is a critical step toward genuine inclusion.
One quote that encapsulates the spirit of the conference is by bell hooks: "Moving from silence into speech is for the oppressed, the colonized, the exploited and those who stand and struggle side by side, a gesture of defiance that heals, making new life and new growth possible." This quote reminds us of the transformative power of voice and the healing that comes from standing in solidarity.
I was deeply moved by the feedback I received after my presentation. One attendee shared:
"Hi Monica, I attended the May 14th EDI-AR Conference and I discovered your work. I just want to let you know what you shared was courageous and inspiring. You gave me more power to pursue my humble work in EDI at Université de Sherbrooke, Qc. I will follow you on LinkedIn for sure. Thank you again."
Such messages reaffirm the importance of our work and inspire us to continue pushing for change.
In conclusion, the EDI-AR Conference was a powerful reminder that inclusion and empowerment in STEM are ongoing journeys that require our continuous commitment, empathy, and love. Let's keep pushing boundaries, challenging biases, and fostering a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

How are we investing in Diversity Inclusion and Equity?
We created a FREE training for you! This is the best opportunity to stop complaining and start acting. The training session is:
Tailored to YOU
Has video and activities to complete and learn
Will give you a certificate of completion - so you can claim your training hours
Want more? reach out to us to see how we can collaborate!
(This space could be you, your company or, your services - contact us for info on how to appear here!)
Business Training Program by CCIS
CCIS offers tailored support to empower aspiring newcomer entrepreneurs with business training, mentoring circles, networking opportunities, and access to vital resources, helping them navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business in Canada.
Our Build Your Business program is a dynamic 10-week intensive course designed to equip newcomer entrepreneurs with the skills, connections, and confidence needed for success. Through comprehensive and practical training, participants learn to overcome common barriers, effectively plan, launch, and manage their small businesses in Canada.
Our Mentoring Circles connect newcomer entrepreneurs with community experts, providing hands-on learning in business fundamentals through engaging group discussions and workshops. At our Networking Events, participants can meet other entrepreneurs, local business owners, and community partners who offer mentorship, free services, and valuable connections.
Find more information here!
For more information contact:
Bibiana Cala (she/her) II Program Coordinator - Build Your Business
Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
Direct line: 403-286-8030 | Cell: 403-971-0885
4th Floor, 1111-11 Avenue S.W. I Calgary, Alberta T2R 0G5
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Industry and Leadership events on the lookout
Women in Engineering Summit 2024 is packed with amazing content, prizes, and opportunities, as Media Partners, we are looking forward to this 2024 edition, and all the events before, during and after!
We've just partnered with NorthWest Women in STEM - pure #SDG17 in action and we could not be prouder - It's amazing to see the growth in the short time that they are experiencing, well-done Ladies.
(This space could be you, your event - contact us for info on how to participate!)