Materials.Business Newsletter ⚙️ March 13th, 2024

Corrosion Risk for Process Safety in the Chemical Industry
Key Note Lecture Proceeds - Groysman, Alec. “Corrosion Risk for Process Safety in the Chemical Industry”. Afinidad. Journal of Chemical Engineering Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, 2024, Vol. 81, Num. 601, pp. 10-24,
This Key Note presentation was delivered by our dear colleague Alec Groysman, during the 15th Mediterranean Congress in Chemical Engineering (MeCCE) that took place in Barcelona, Spain, during the international fair of the Chemical Industry EXPOQUIMIA, from May 30th to June 2d of 2023. This 2023 congress was a great opportunity to advance the entire 2030 Agenda through the prism of scientific knowledge and its transformative capabilities. Under the theme ‘Chemical Engineering, leading solutions for the planet’, the Congress, marking a return to in-person proceedings after the 2020 online edition, unfolded with a spirit of collaboration and innovation.
Alec participated in a webinar organized by Infinity Growth and Materials Business on this same subject. To listen to the full episode, click here!
The aim of this work is to analyze how corrosion risk management influences process safety. Both issues occupy an important niche in the chemical industry. Corrosion risk management includes identifying, analyzing, assessing, and managing corrosion hazards. Process safety is a discipline that focuses on preventing fires, explosions, and accidental releases at chemical process facilities. Corrosion can cause all these detrimental events.
There is much literature about both topics, corrosion risk, and process safety, separately, but there are nearly no research works concerning intersection and influence.
The level of corrosion failure and its consequences, defining corrosion risk, may be different: the leak of crude oil, natural gas, water, liquid and gaseous hazardous chemicals, fire, explosion, damages, deterioration of the environment, injuries, and death of people and animals. Due to the biological and psychological properties of human nature, we are unlikely to exclude human mistakes. We should pay significant attention to education, dissemination of information, knowledge transfer, collaboration, and communication. Correct corrosion risk management gives rise to the improvement of process safety at stages of design, fabrication, implementation, erection, service, and maintenance of equipment and constructions in the chemical industry.
For this realization, specific corrosion mitigation strategies and technologies are described. They are successfully implemented in the chemical industry. It shows how corrosion management and process safety management can be better integrated into practice. The future consideration of the prognosis of corrosion risk with process safety is connected with corrosion modeling. Limitations and challenges of such a forecast are discussed too. Special educational and training programs are developed to help engineers, scientists, professionals, students, and managers learn about corrosion science and engineering.
Keywords: Corrosion risk, process safety, chemical industry
Find the complete article here!
Special thanks to Alec Groysman for his contribution to this edition!

Dr. Alec Groysman graduated from the Chemico-Technological University named after Mendeleev in Moscow. He received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry and corrosion. He has experience in corrosion, corrosion control and corrosion monitoring from 1976 in the oil refining, oil and gas, petrochemical, and chemical industry and teaching the subject of corrosion.
He has lived in Israel since 1990. He worked for 22 years for oil refinery Haifa and at the same time taught corrosion science and technology in universities (Technion, Haifa; Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Ariel University) and College of Engineering (Karmiel, Israel). He is an Honor President of Israeli Association of Chemical Engineers and Chemists. He deals with kinetics and thermodynamics of corrosion processes, on-line corrosion monitoring, choice and use of corrosion inhibitors, coating systems, selection of appropriate alloys for corrosive service, failure analysis, corrosion management, and assessment of corrosion risk. He has special interests in corrosion education and in searching for relationships between corrosion, art, history, and philosophy.
His first book “Corrosion for Everybody” published by Springer in 2010 received the innovation award winner of Materials Performance Readers` choice in 2012 year in the USA.
His second book “Corrosion in Systems for Transportation and Storage of Petroleum Products and Biofuels” was published by Springer in 2014.
His third book "Corrosion Problems and Solutions in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry" came to life by Springer in 2016.
He is an author of five chapters about corrosion monitoring and corrosion control in five books.
He is a lecturer of the courses “Materials and Standards in Oil and Gas Engineering” and “Corrosion and Corrosion Control” in the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Haifa, Israel.
He was a visiting Erskine Fellow and taught “Corrosion of Engineering Materials” at Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering Departments at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand in 2017.
He was a visiting lecturer, delivering the course “Corrosion of Construction Materials” at Civil Engineering Institute, Department of Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures, and the course “Corrosion Problems and Solutions in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry”, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great, Russia, May 2019.
He was a visiting lecturer, delivering the course “Corrosion of Pipelines”, Materials Engineering Department, University of British Columbia, Pipeline Integrity Institute, Vancouver, Canada, September 2019.
He delivered invited lectures in UK, Slovakia, the Czech Republic.
He is a lecturer of on-line corrosion courses in Israel, Canada, Russia, and Kazakhstan.
He wrote the first text-book “Corrosion: Monitoring, Control, and Prevention” in Hebrew in 2023.
Women in Engineering Summit, Infinity Growth and Materials.Business are celebrating together the Corrosion Awareness Day 2024
At Materials.Businness and Infinity Growth, we are beyond happy to support WES - Women in Engineering Summit! Great collaboration has begun. Our first activity together will be, celebrating the Corrosion Awareness Day 2024 on the 24th of April. Click "register now" to participate.

(This space could be you, your company or, your services - contact us for info on how to appear here!)
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Latest jobs in the industry this week
Technical Subcontracts Manager, NAVBLUE, an Airbus Company · Waterloo, ON
Industrial Technology Advisor, National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada · Boucherville, QC
Women in Field and Trades Employment Program - Various Positions – Western Canada, Enbridge · Fort McMurray, AB
Next Podcast Episode
Industry and Leadership events on the lookout
Do you want a free corrosion book? or, a ticket to participate in the WES event in Edmonton or Toronto? or, a coaching session that focuses on soft skills? - subscribe to our LinkedIn page and be ready to answer as many questions as possible from the 15 to the 19th of April. Its that easy!!!

Thanks to everyone who submitted an abstract to the CMSC2024 - we received an outstanding number of papers and surpassed the 2023 number of submissions by far. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Edmonton for this great event (May 2024).
Women in Engineering Summit 2024 is packed with amazing content, prizes, and opportunities, as Media Partners, we are looking forward to this 2024 edition, and all the events before, during and after!
(This space could be you, your event - contact us for info on how to participate!)