Materials.Business Newsletter ⚙️ April 26th, 2024

The origins
We, the evangelists of corrosion and protection, must disseminate awareness of corrosion throughout society; the community of corrosionists must be more vital and more active; the industry must be more responsible in the conservation of materials, and managers must have the expertise to deal with these topics. The education systems must assume their rightful role. Teachers must be more proactive. Students must be more modern than modernists (more attracted by transcendental issues than by superfluous ones). Current and new professional organizations must be more vigorous and active. More robust new, and more effective information channels are needed, too. Governments need to catalyze such actions through policies, funds, and tools within education, industry, and innovation systems. This is the only way to contribute to global sustainability targets from the perspective of engineering materials. Lets go together!
Results of our FIRST celebration event:
The prize winners were announced - with entries from Canada to Chile, and US to Singapore, we had an amazing turnout for the Scavenger Hunt.
Curious about the answers, here they are:
Day one question: The frequency at which a corrosion event (explosion, fire, uncontrolled release..) happens in the world is? Hint: Is corrosion for everybody
Correct Answer: Every 2-3 days
(75% of participants got it correct - which is great - now lets prevent these events from happening again!)
Day two question: Is there any material that has ZERO (0) corrosion rate? Hint: Fuad Khoshnaw video
Correct Answer. No.
(42% of participants got it correct - Fuad K. in his podcast dives into this topic watch it here:
Day Three question: Fill in the blank: Material + the wrong ------------- = corrosion Hint: Webinar
Correct Answer: Environment
(86% of the participants got it correct - we discussed this during our webinar with Alec and Lina:
Day Four: A pit propagation can be measured by measuring the ________ Hint: Inhibition of localized corrosion propagation
Correct Answer: Potentials and the environment
(40% of participants got it correct - we discussed about this with Bernardo in an amazing podcast following his publication here:
Day Five: Out of all the knee/hip replacement patients, how many develop chronic pain which is an autoimmune response to the material of the implant
Correct Answer: 10-20%
(36% of participants got it correct - we discussed about this with Dave in the podcast:
The winners are: Patricia, Charu, Mohammed and Jun - Congratulations and thank you for making this a great event for all! To our sponsors our gratitude for supporting the dissemination of growth and learning experiences Fuad K. and WES.

The results of our SECOND celebration event: Women in Engineering Summit, Infinity Growth and Materials.Business celebrated together the Corrosion Awareness Day 2024
At Materials.Businness and Infinity Growth, we are beyond happy to support WES - Women in Engineering Summit! Great collaboration has begun. Our first activity together was, celebrating the Corrosion Awareness Day 2024 on the 24th of April. The audience was engaged and asked a lot of interesting questions. Some of the comments were:
"Monica, thank you very much for sharing with us your knowledge and experiences about the importance of controlling corrosion, and not only in the Oil & Gas industry, it must also be controlled in all types of industries."
"Thank you for an insightful session, a lot of us do not have enough awareness in that field"
"Biggest takeaway: we have the opportunity AND the responsibility to be part of the change"

(This space could be you, your company or, your services - contact us for info on how to appear here!)
Listen to our podcast episodes on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or YouTube, and make sure to Follow US!
Next Podcast Episode
Industry and Leadership events on the lookout
Thanks to everyone who submitted an abstract to the CMSC2024 - we received an outstanding number of papers and surpassed the 2023 number of submissions by far. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Edmonton for this great event (May 2024).
Women in Engineering Summit 2024 is packed with amazing content, prizes, and opportunities, as Media Partners, we are looking forward to this 2024 edition, and all the events before, during and after!
We've just partnered with NorthWest Women in STEM - pure #SDG17 in action and we could not be prouder - It's amazing to see the growth in the short time that they are experiencing, well-done Ladies.
(This space could be you, your event - contact us for info on how to participate!)