Materials.Business Newsletter ⚙️ April 11th, 2024

The origins
Some years ago, promoted by the World Corrosion Organization – WCO, an NGO associated with the United Nations, it was established on the 24th of April as the “World Corrosion Awareness Day.” Such action agrees with the WCO motto: “Raising Awareness about Corrosion and Corrosion Protection around the World.” Besides, it is aligned with one of the WCO strategic objectives concerning promoting public awareness of the impact of corrosion on our everyday life in production plants, civil construction buildings like bridges, transport systems, water distribution systems, etc. Yearly, the WCO invites corrosionist around the globe to join the World Corrosion Awareness Day celebration by organizing promotional activities highlighting the importance of corrosion studies, anticorrosion measurements, and industrial asset integrity.
We, the evangelists of corrosion and protection, must disseminate awareness of corrosion throughout society; the community of corrosionists must be more vital and more active; the industry must be more responsible in the conservation of materials, and managers must have the expertise to deal with these topics. The education systems must assume their rightful role. Teachers must be more proactive. Students must be more modern than modernists (more attracted by transcendental issues than by superfluous ones). Current and new professional organizations must be more vigorous and active. More robust new, and more effective information channels are needed, too. Governments need to catalyze such actions through policies, funds, and tools within education, industry, and innovation systems. This is the only way to contribute to global sustainability targets from the perspective of engineering materials. Lets go together!
How are we celebrating? - BIG !!!
Do you want a free corrosion book? or, a ticket to participate in the WES event in Edmonton or Toronto? or, a coaching session that focuses on soft skills? - subscribe to our LinkedIn page and be ready to answer as many questions as possible from the 15 to the 19th of April. Its that easy!!!

Women in Engineering Summit, Infinity Growth and Materials.Business are celebrating together the Corrosion Awareness Day 2024
At Materials.Businness and Infinity Growth, we are beyond happy to support WES - Women in Engineering Summit! Great collaboration has begun. Our first activity together will be, celebrating the Corrosion Awareness Day 2024 on the 24th of April. Click "register now" to participate.

(This space could be you, your company or, your services - contact us for info on how to appear here!)
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Next Podcast Episode
Industry and Leadership events on the lookout
Thanks to everyone who submitted an abstract to the CMSC2024 - we received an outstanding number of papers and surpassed the 2023 number of submissions by far. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Edmonton for this great event (May 2024).
Women in Engineering Summit 2024 is packed with amazing content, prizes, and opportunities, as Media Partners, we are looking forward to this 2024 edition, and all the events before, during and after!
We've just partnered with NorthWest Women in STEM - pure #SDG17 in action and we could not be prouder - It's amazing to see the growth in the short time that they are experiencing, well-done Ladies.
If you are in the area, consider joining them at the event below.
(This space could be you, your event - contact us for info on how to participate!)